Anne Birch

Group Coach Supervisor
Anne Birch has a successful track record at director level in Local Government managing change and delivering performance. She is an accredited coach and coach supervisor with experience of coaching and mentoring at executive leadership levels in a wide range of public sector organisations. She is highly motivated to achieve outstanding results for individuals and organisations.
She will support you to take courageous decisions whilst attending to your emotional wellbeing and ensure fairness, equity and excellence within organisations.
She specialises in working with women leaders to address the barriers to success, both personal and organisational.
Coaching Style and Approach
Anne’s success as a coach is based on a personal style that has integrity at its heart and a methodology that uses robust, evidenced based techniques which are proven to be successful including positive psychology, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, the Thinking Environment® and the Resilient Leaders Elements (RLE™) tool.
Her philosophy is based on the belief that everyone has the capacity to change and is equally capable of coming up with the solution that is right for them and the organisation given the time and space to do so. She believes that to ensure quality outcomes leaders need time to think in a ‘safe’ space so that clients can do their best thinking and arrive at solutions that work for them. This can be face-to-face or virtual.
Specifically, when leading through challenging times she will ensure that clients are able to identify the desired outcome; what might be preventing them from taking the next step and finally work with them to create a plan to achieve their goals. An integral part of Anne’s approach is to clearly agree with the client from the outset what they most need and then review frequently to check whether those needs are being met.
Coaching Experience and Examples of Previous Clients
Throughout her career in local government, Anne has been privileged to be able to support colleagues through mentoring and informal coaching and after experiencing the benefit of coaching for herself she decided to train and qualify as an executive coach. Since qualifying over 10 years ago she has coached Directors and Heads of Service in local government, senior leadership teams in schools and Academies and delivered training to leadership teams to support their development and inclusive culture.